Royal Lace was produced by the
Hazel Atlas Glass company in Washington PA as early as 1934. This depression glass
pattern is one of the most expensive and the most sought after of all
the patterns in depression glass. The most desirable color is in the
ritz blue, also known as cobalt blue. (Hazel Atlas had called their
medium blue glass Ritz Blue in advertisements, however modern
collectors refer to this color as cobalt blue).
Royal Lace pattern was a full service pattern, meaning that production
included every piece for a full service dinnerware setting. These
pieces include dinner plates, lunch plates, cake plates, tumblers in
two sizes, berry bowls and rimmed bowls, cup, saucer, salt and pepper,
and a cream and sugar with lid. Serving pieces include pitchers, master
berry bowls, serving bowls, large serving plates and platters and a
butter dish.

The pattern is a repeating series of three roses inside a draped lace
contour with intricate lacy floral design. This intricate pattern along
with the desirable colors make it one of the few patterns in depression
glass that has seen heightened popularity in the last several years.
While many Hazel Atlas glass patterns have steadily risen in price the
last decade, the Royal Lace pattern has seen the greatest jump in value
and continues to maintain its collectible status.
value of Royal Lace is not necessarily associated with it being a rare
or hard to find pattern, it is mostly because of the high demand for
this pattern of elegance. Many collectors are willing to pay more than
current value to add certain pieces to their collection.
Learn more about Hazel Atlas Glass
at the Official
Website, along with hundreds of pictures, pages, and price

Atlas Glass Royal Lace Plate
The dinner plate shown here is valued at $65-$70 in Ritz Blue, while
the large pitcher with ice lip sells for around $150 in Pink. Even
though many collectors insist on mint condition pieces, some items,
like the butter dish are so hard to find, collectors will accept pieces
with nicks and minor flaws for slightly less, usually 10% to 20% lower
than current values. For example the royal lace ritz blue butterdish
will easily sell for $600 even with minor infractions.
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