Dutch patterns were made popular in the early 1950s with the introduction of the Delft-type pottery ware of the era. Hazel Atlas introduced their dutch pattern kitchenwares at this time, due to the influence and desire of Dutch motifs for the kitchen.
Commonly, red on the platonite is found in salt and peppers, mixing bowls and refrigerator jars with lids. Spice jars as well as a range size salt and pepper can also be found. Dinnerware was not included in the Dutch pattern.

This refrigerator jar shows the more common red on white dutch pattern, however the dutch boy and girl are Skating. This style of dutch pattern was called 'Skating Dutch' and is not as commonly found. Finding a jar with the correct lid is difficult.
Primary colors are red on Platonite and Blue on Platonite. An occasional piece will be found in green and yellow, and usually are priced slightly higher.
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Dutch Boy and Girl in Rare Green
The small salt and pepper are the most common, and there are several variations. Including, windmills, skating dutch and dutch boy and girl. The windmill variant is the easiest to find and normally reasonably priced at $10 a set with excellent lids.
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