Hundreds of thousands of pieces of Hazel Atlas glass can be found in antique shops, flea markets, estate sales and online sites. However, how do you know if you are getting the right price for your piece? or better still, how do you know your piece is Hazel Atlas glass?
The Hazel Atlas Glass collectors website is the definitive source for identifying and valuing your Hazel Atlas. Not all pieces of Hazel Atlas glass are marked, and many 'sleepers' are found all over.

Our website contains over 600 pictures and more than 150 pages of information. Even if you can not find a piece on our website, we offer a free email identification and value service.
And.. we also have an interactive message board where you can chat, buy and sell your Hazel Atlas with our thousands of other members.
Click the links below to join our FREE newsletter and become a member of the only site dedicated to Hazel Atlas Glass.
Learn more about Hazel Atlas Glass
at the Official
Website, along with hundreds of pictures, pages, and price

Learn the value and identify Hazel Atlas Glass
Did you know... This rare tumbler was made by Hazel Atlas and is valued at more than $175.00
Easily identify your piece through the Hazel Atlas website and then find the value, to be sure you are getting the maximum price!
Do you
remember using Hazel Atlas Glass items when you were a child?
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stories with other collectors and members of the Hazel
Atlas Glass website.