Platonite is the name given to a process of glass made by Hazel Atlas. This process was patented by Hazel Atlas in 1936, and consisted of an opaque glassware that would be treated with various finishes. This type of glass is often confused as milkglass, an antique glass process.
As you can see in the photographs, the white glass was treated with a 'fired-on' color or decoration. The majority of the Platonite glass was manufactured in the post 1940's era. Several early pieces of Hazel Atlas Platonite will have the word 'PLATONITE' on the bottom instead of the usual (HA) Hazel Atlas mark.

The mixing bowl shown is plain Platonite with no treatment or finish. The majority of Platonite had some form of decoration or finish, although you will occasionally find pieces that are plain.
Values for Platonite are relevant to the particular pattern or finished treatment and vary greatly.
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Platonite Ice Bucket
Above, is an ice bucket with metal handle in Platonite. This oak ice bucket was made in clear glass as well. However, it was primarily done in Platonite with various solid colors fired on.
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