Ranger Joe originated in the 1950s, when television programs about cowboys and the wild west was so popular with young boys. In addition to Daniel Boone, Wyatt Earp, Hopalong Cassidy and Davy Crockett, Hazel Atlas also produced the most commonly found Ranger Joe breakfast sets. These sets were a premium from the Rice Honnies and Wheat Honnies cereal. In order to obtain your pieces, you had to save the coupons found in the bag of cereal and mail them in to get each piece.
While most breakfast sets only contained a mug and cereal bowl, the Ranger Joe breakfast set also included a 9 oz. tumbler and 6" plate.

Pieces can be found with a blue or red transfer on white platonite. While the red transfer is the most common, blue transfer pieces are occasionally found and command a higher price.
The plate is the rarest piece found, and will easily bring around $25, while the tumbler is the next hardest to find, it is usually valued around $15. The bowl and mug will bring around $10, except the bowl with the words 'Rice Honnies' or 'Wheat Honnies', which will add $10 more. For blue, the price is usually double the red.
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Rare Ranger Joe Childs Plate
The plate shown above is the rarest piece in the child's Ranger Joe set. It measures about 6" diameter and has only been found in platonite with red transfer.
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